The Career Pro Digital Duo

Health & Lifestyle Patrick Falls Health & Lifestyle Patrick Falls

Modern Competence

Let’s focus on being competent in all aspects of our lives.

Competence is based on having the required knowledge or qualities to complete a task or sustain yourself. Long ago competence may have been focused around being able to create a homestead, build shelter, grow food or raise animals, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Modern competence is hard to define today as a sprint toward automation has a grip on modern society. The focus is centered on major systems controlling information flow, finances, and supply chains.

So how do we make competence the responsibility of an individual? We can consider modern competence from a few angles that can keep you focused on your goals, without major burnout.

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Health & Lifestyle Patrick Falls Health & Lifestyle Patrick Falls

Remote World

Is the remote world here to stay?

There are positives and negatives to every production model.

Remote work offers incredible benefits to employees that range from extra free time to better health and satisfaction. Enjoy working in your PJ’s? Remote is for you. Love to take a walk, get some fresh air, and reset on a lunch break? Remote is for you. Tired of the boring commute? Remote is for you. Multi-tasking, like folding your clothes while listening to a meeting, your jam? Remote is for you.

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