Modern Competence

Let’s focus on being competent in all aspects of our lives.

Competence is based on having the required knowledge or qualities to complete a task or sustain yourself. Long ago competence may have been focused around being able to create a homestead, build shelter, grow food or raise animals, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Modern competence is hard to define today as a sprint toward automation has a grip on modern society. The focus is centered on major systems controlling information flow, finances, and supply chains.

So how do we make competence the responsibility of an individual? We can consider modern competence from a few angles that can keep you focused on your goals, without major burnout.

Competence at home:

Do you ever think about energy use? Do you think about where your food comes from, how animals are raised, how it shows up perfectly packaged, colored, and selected for you at the store? Do your hobbies contribute to your overall level of competence?

I believe the pandemic has created a major shift in the way that individuals focus on these topics. Alternative forms of energy are becoming accessible for individuals both in cost and reliability. Many people saw empty shelves at the supermarket for several weeks and questioned whether the overall system could sustain their needs, then started up gardening or even raising their own animals. Are you spending your free time focused on hobbies that enrich your life, rather than make it harder to succeed in the long term? Spending time on hollow experiences week in and week out may keep you from reaching your potential.

I challenge you to think about your long term goals, dreams, and competence. Can you contribute to making the community around you better? Can you seek alternative methods to obtain food and energy? Can you stay active while contributing to the protection of the resources that you enjoy like national parks, watersheds, and community centers? I am constantly learning ways to claim my time back and put plans into motion that enrich the ability to sustain a future focused lifestyle.

One thing that helped me to claim back my time was to drop social media and focus that time into learning new things. Locking your devices with application time-outs and screen time managers is a great way to get started without giving them up completely. Devote that extra time you would spend scrolling to develop a new skill, get more organized, or work on a long term goal.

Competence at work:

How do you contribute to your level of competency in the workplace? Do you have continuing education goals set by your employer? Do you chase after certificates that can help prove your competence? Do you learn on your own just to stay sharp? Do you take more formal route by attending a class at a university using your employer tuition match program?

These are all great ways to grow your skillset. I believe it’s best to take small bites, learn at your own pace, and celebrate the small wins. Many skills related to specific positions are learned on the job, so add those to your resume. Showcase your accomplishments and invest all your effort into your future.

My intention for the Bastion Brief is to provide value to others while enhancing my skills in cyber security, writing, and teaching. It may feel like an uphill battle at times when life gets busy, but if you keep putting the work in- you will succeed.

Remember to take breaks throughout your journey to rest, plan, and organize. Burnout is the real deal. Before you take the first step down a path, consider your motivations behind your goals. Are you looking for a boost in income? Do you love a certain aspect of your job and want to become an expert? Do you think you can add value to society and help others?

If you can set goals with clear intentions, you can knock them out in no time without feeling like the mountain peak is too high to climb or the reward at the top was not worth the effort. If you’re uncertain about your intentions or involvement in something, you will probably give up on your goal. I like to revisit this quote when the road gets tough:

“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
Steve Jobs

Stay focused, remember that everything you encounter on your journey can offer an opportunity to learn from, and keep working hard. If you feel like you aren’t squeezing the juice out of your time, there’s never been a better time to start as many learning resources are available online. Set a goal, add it to your schedule, and start chipping away at it. Thanks for reading and have an awesome successful week ahead.

Let me know in the comments how you work toward competence. See you next time!



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